
Jersey Women's Care Center
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Fair Lawn, NJ & Jersey City, NJ
When it comes to preventing an unwanted pregnancy, there’s no shortage of options. To help you navigate your choices, Dr. Elizabeth Ramirez and Dr. Huiying Hou at Jersey Women’s Care Center offer contraception counseling for women in Fair Lawn and Jersey City, New Jersey. To find a birth control method that works for you, call or fill out the online form to set up an appointment.
Contraception Q & A
What are the different types of contraception?
There are many different types of contraception that fit almost every situation and every goal. The best way to determine which birth control method is right for you is to first decide which category of birth control would work best. They are:
Barrier methods are those that prevent sperm from reaching your egg and include condoms, diaphragms, IUDs, sponges, and caps.
This type of birth control regulates your ovulation through hormones. The choice in this category comes down to finding the right delivery method, which includes patches, pills, implants, injections, and IUDs.
If you’d rather try a more natural approach to birth control, your options are abstinence, outercourse, and fertility-awareness planning.
If you’re interested in a more permanent solution for birth control, tubal ligation or a vasectomy (for your partner) are the best options.
What are the efficacy rates for contraception?
There are two important things to keep in mind when considering contraception. The first is that most forms of birth control don’t protect you against STDs, except for condoms and abstinence. Second is that no contraception outside of abstinence offers a 100% efficacy rate.
Still, many contraception choices come fairly close, such as:
- IUD: 99%
- Patches: 91%
- Implants: 99%
- Diaphragm: 88%
- Withdrawal: 78%
- Tubal ligation: 99%
- Pills: 91%
- Condoms: 85%
This list is only a sample of the different efficacy rates and Drs. Ramirez and Hou can give you more detailed information during your appointment.
Which method of contraception is right for me?
The answer to this question varies considerably from one woman to the next and depends upon a host of factors. For example, the efficacy rates of contraception tend to rise when the human factor is taken out of the equation. In other words, contraception is only as good as your use of it, so if you’re prone to forgetting daily medications or you don’t remember the spermicide with your sponge, you can seriously impact your contraception efficacy.
In these cases, solutions like Nexplanon® implants or IUDs may work better since there’s very little to do once they’re in place.
To make sure you have the birth control that’s right for you, either Dr. Hou or Dr. Ramirez sits down with you to discuss your goals and your lifestyle to come up with the best solution.
To explore your contraception options further, call Jersey Women’s Care Center or use the online scheduler.
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